16 - 21 Sep


Wet Cement

Urgent, Dynamic and Entertaining


16 - 21 Sep


Wet Cement

Urgent, Dynamic and Entertaining

show info
cast & Artistic team
venue details

Ali has left the madness of mainstream education to pursue a more peaceful career as a private tutor. However, when Danny (a neurodivergent man) enlists her help to pass his adult GCSE’s, she is dragged back into a world of stress and scrutiny, as it appears Danny is one of her ex-students who she had a hand in expelling…

Now Danny wants Ali to take accountability for her failings as a teacher. But Ali wants Danny to take accountability for his actions as a student…

Can a compromise be reached before either hit breaking point, or will history tragically repeat itself?

WET CEMENT is a new piece of thought-provoking theatre which explores contemporary issues, the student/teacher relationship, neurodiversity and the state education system. It is written, performed and presented by Small Steed Theatre a neurodivergent led company.


Artistic Team


Lizzie Jackson


Darrel Draper

The Bridge House Theatre, 2 High Street, Penge, SE20 8RZ

Less than a minute from Penge West station. Also not far from Penge East and Crystal Palace stations. The theatre is situated on the first floor of the Bridge House Pub and is currently only accessible by stairs. If you have accessibility issues please email and we will do our best to assist you.

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