An intelligent yet naïve sixteen-year-old (Josh), with extreme views on mental health, claims that suicide is selfish. However, as his world crumbles around him, he begins to spiral out of control…
Drowning is a sixty-minute one man show, written and performed by Jake Talbot, and directed by Miranda Parker both from Dare to Know Theatre. Dare to Know Theatre are the current associate artists at Oldham Coliseum Theatre, their work is committed to making work with and for the local community. Drowning is a story that follows sixteen-year-old Josh, who after the death of his mother, struggles to cope with his own mental health, and the grief he is experiencing.
The show was supported by Arts Council England, with the intention of bringing a younger audience into the theatre, and to potentially outline some of the issues people have dealing with mental health, and how people around them struggle to provide the correct support and understanding.