amusing and beguiling

London Pub Theatres

24 Apr - 06 May


Richard Parker

Tense, comic, drama


24 Apr - 06 May


Richard Parker

Tense, comic, drama

show info
cast & Artistic team
venue details

In an 1838 book Edgar Allan Poe told the story of four men lost at sea. In order to survive they killed and ate the cabin boy, an unfortunate soul by the name of Richard Parker. 

Forty years later, in a real life situation, four men did find themselves adrift in a boat and to survive they had to kill and eat the cabin boy whose name also happened to be Richard Parker.

Was it simply coincidence? Or something darker?

Now two men meet on the deck of a ship. Both named Richard Parker. Little do they realise that their coincidental encounter is one piece in a longer chain linking the two individuals to each other. 

Two men. One name. 

With its razor-sharp script this black comedy builds to an unexpected climax which will leave audiences gasping in astonishment. Owen Thomas’ Richard Parker is a brilliantly dark and witty exploration of the intersection between fate and coincidence. Don’t miss this exciting piece from the, award nominated, Bridge House team.


Luke Adamson

Richard Parker

Joseph Lindoe

Richard Parker

Artistic Team


Owen Thomas

The Bridge House Theatre, 2 High Street, Penge, SE20 8RZ

Less than a minute from Penge West station. Also not far from Penge East and Crystal Palace stations. The theatre is situated on the first floor of the Bridge House Pub and is currently only accessible by stairs. If you have accessibility issues please email and we will do our best to assist you.

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