23 Jul - 03 Aug


Swan Song

Moving, Musical, Classical Adaptation


23 Jul - 03 Aug


Swan Song

Moving, Musical, Classical Adaptation

show info
cast & Artistic team
venue details

Late October, Moscow centre, the closing night of the legendary Vasili Sveitlovidoff’s final performance but for one mysterious audience member, the actor is nowhere to be found. This sung-through retelling of Chekhov’s play follows actor Sveitlovidoff on his final night in the theatre, as he looks back on his life, and the sacrifices he made to be the revered actor he is today. With orchestrations by Matthew Stanley, Zara Harris’ new musical fuses symphonic and orchestral rock, jazz and R&B to create a whirlwind retelling of a story of love, power, loss and artistry with villainous managers, mysterious visitors and an actor who needs to find peace with his past.


Artistic Team


Zara Harris

The Bridge House Theatre, 2 High Street, Penge, SE20 8RZ

Less than a minute from Penge West station. Also not far from Penge East and Crystal Palace stations. The theatre is situated on the first floor of the Bridge House Pub and is currently only accessible by stairs. If you have accessibility issues please email and we will do our best to assist you.

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