14 - 18 Nov


The Drowning Girls

Intriguing, Haunting, Powerful


14 - 18 Nov


The Drowning Girls

Intriguing, Haunting, Powerful

show info
cast & Artistic team
venue details

“I was amazed at the effect a wedding ring had upon my entire existence”

Bessie, Alice, and Margaret have two things in common: they are married to George Joseph Smith and they are dead! Three breathless brides gather evidence against their womanising, murderous husband by reliving the shocking events leading up to their deaths. Reflecting on the misconceptions of love, married life, and the not-so-happily ever after.

The Drowning Girls is a powerful and thought-provoking play written by Beth Graham, Charlie Tomlinson, and Daniela Vlaskalic. Inspired by the real-life Brides in the Bath murders that occurred in early 1900’s London. This captivating performance takes the audience on a mesmerising journey through a world of rich imagery and complex characters.

The Drowning Girls is directed by Ranga Jayaratne (The Woman in Black, Eurydice, Our Town, The Count of Monte Cristo -musical,). Starring Yiling Yang (Jane Eyre-musical, Ensemble in Something Rotten-musical, Cherry Orchard, Misandry-film), Anamika Srivastava (Organised Chaos, Hamlet, Three Sisters and Juanita-short film), Qi Chen (Law of Hunting and Fishing-film, Love in the City, Katarina, Happy Dinner, Wanderings of Sanmao).

Grim and playful, The Drowning Girls is a social critique and commentary on women’s plight. Through its compelling narrative and innovative staging, ‘The Drowning Girls’ encourages audiences to confront uncomfortable truths about gender-based violence and the societal constraints placed on women. It sparks conversations about the importance of breaking free from traditional roles and expectations, empowering women to challenge injustice and claim their agency.

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Anamika Srivastava

Margaret Lofty

Yiling Yang

Bessie Mundy

Qi Chen

Alice Burnham

Artistic Team


Ranga Jayaratne


Beth Graham, Charlie Tomlinson, Daniella Vlaskalic


Ranga Jayaratne

The Bridge House Theatre, 2 High Street, Penge, SE20 8RZ

Less than a minute from Penge West station. Also not far from Penge East and Crystal Palace stations. The theatre is situated on the first floor of the Bridge House Pub and is currently only accessible by stairs. If you have accessibility issues please email and we will do our best to assist you.

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