26 - 27 Nov


Truth, Love & Madness

Eye-Opening, Funny, Thought-Provoking


26 - 27 Nov


Truth, Love & Madness

Eye-Opening, Funny, Thought-Provoking

show info
cast & Artistic team
venue details

Truth, Love and Madness asks each of us to take back responsibility of our emotions; and find acceptance in the fact that we are all, in our own way: mad… off-kilter… imbalanced… neuro-diverse.

It is born of personal experience in the mental health system, being diagnosed with severe depression and then as bi-polar; Zac was told that he was ill, and then placed on drugs and put on suicide watch. However, his instinct was that this was wrong and that it was a sensitive and emotional reaction to society that was the problem.

Discover such psychiatric radicals as Ernest Becker and Thomas Szasz, as we question why things are the way that they are. Explore your idea of “madness”; challenge our perceptions of mental health, and open up to the idea that there is another perspective to the mental health industry.

“The best use of old Pringle tubes I have ever seen!”

Approx 60mins. Recommended 14+


Zac Thraves

Artistic Team


Zac Thraves

The Bridge House Theatre, 2 High Street, Penge, SE20 8RZ

Less than a minute from Penge West station. Also not far from Penge East and Crystal Palace stations. The theatre is situated on the first floor of the Bridge House Pub and is currently only accessible by stairs. If you have accessibility issues please email and we will do our best to assist you.

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